[Evolution] Evolution LDAP and Exchange

I have been trying to get Evolution to communicate with Exchange2k via LDAP for it's address list.  I have been very succesful in working with the IMAP client, in fact, I don't use Outlook anymore.  I use evolution for my Company Calendar, etc.  Very nice.  Anyway, if I do this:

ldapsearch -h domaincontroller -p 3268 -x -w mypassword  \
-D "cn=damian kohlfeld,ou=Users,ou=Systems,ou=ANOBI,dc=corp,dc=anobi,dc=com" \
-b "dc=corp,dc=anobi,dc=com" -v | grep 'SMTP:'  | sed -e s/.*SMTP://

I get a very nice list of the email address' for the people in my sub-domain.  However, when I specify my basedn, port, and search sub, I can't pull the info with Evolution.  The included Bigfoot and Verisign address lists work fine.  They don't need authentication however.  I am running build 0.16.99 cvs 2001.

Is there a way that I can debug the session, and see the actual LDAP communication with the server, not via a sniffer, but, rather with a evolution tool of sorts?  Thanks. 

Damian Kohlfeld
Anobi Technology Corporation

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