Re: [Evolution] Filter question

Well, to add a third opinion: I have the same problem; all messages just sit there in my Inbox until I hit ctrl-y. This alone is why I am still using Mozilla for email.

Matthew Nelson
Dynamics Technology, Inc.
21311 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 300, Torrance, CA 90503-5610
Voice: (310) 543-5433 FAX: (310) 543-2117 Email: mnelson dynatec com

Diego Restrepo wrote:

My filters that stablish moving messages to other folders are
automatically applied in evolution. I don't get any trace in inbox

Diego Restrepo
On 21 May 2001 08:56:55 -0700, Mike Leckey, Jr. wrote:

When I receive mail that I have configured a filter for, it stays in the
INBOX.  I then hit CTRL-Y to apply filters, they get moved to the
appropriate location.

Is there a way to have the filters applied automagically?

I have two IMAP accounts, and one POP acct.
RH 7.1

Mike Leckey, Jr.        rml phxlab honeywell com        602.231.1685
Honeywell Engines & Systems                             Phoenix, AZ

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