Re: [Evolution] Re: 'Evolution cannot initialize shell' error

iam not sure, but this the output of my evolution binary in 'usr/bin'

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       269640 Apr 28 07:12 

just do a chmod 755 /usr/bin/evolution

see what happens


On 16 May 2001 18:05:28 -0400, Fred Purdue wrote:

I am also getting the 'Evolution cannot initalize shell' error, but I only
get it when running as myself.  If I su to root it runs fine.  I figure I've
got a permissions error somewhere, but I'm too stupid to know where it

Anybody feel like pitying a newbie?

                                                      Fred Purdue 
                                                      System Administrator
Technologies, Inc 
FPurdue Dtechdirect com 
                                                      P: (212) 619-4000 

(BTW - This program looks like it's going to kick some serious ass)

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

        A penguin a day keeps the fatal exceptions away...
                      #  #  #     L.I N U X
                      #" #" #           Fear the Penguin!!!
                    ##  vvv  ##     
                   #          ##    
                  ##           ##   
                  ###          ###  
                +++#####       ##++ 
               ++++++#       #++++++
               +++++++#     #+++++++
                    +++       +++    

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