[Evolution] future requests that would improve evolution

Hi all,
    I don't know if these have been mentioned before (cannot seem to
    find them on the list, so hopefully not).

    1.Will sound support be added in future releases of evolution?

    2.When attatching attatchments, you can only attatch one at a time,
    i have tried to select all, by keeping the CTRL key down; but does
    not seem to work.This would greatly improve the ease of use when
    attatching say 10 files all in the same folder to a mail.


        A penguin a day keeps the fatal exceptions away...
                      #  #  #     L.I N U X
                      #" #" #           Fear the Penguin!!!
                    ##  vvv  ##     
                   #          ##    
                  ##           ##   
                  ###          ###  
                +++#####       ##++ 
               ++++++#       #++++++
               +++++++#     #+++++++
                    +++       +++    

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