[Evolution] Highlight color problem with some themes (Crux, Eazel-Blue, etc.)

I'm using Sawfish, Ximian Gnome 1.4, Red Hat 6.2.  I have the Crux
Sawfish theme.  When I use the Cruz or Eazel-blue GTK themes, the
highlight color is a dark blue.  In Evolution this causes a problem
where any highlighted/selected text/item can't be read very well,
because the underlying text is still black (instead of inverting to
white, like say it does in the Control Center).  This only seems to be a
problem in Evolution.

Is this an Evo bug, or something I can change (without changing the
selection/highlight color)?

Chris Bailey            chrisb wego com
Wego Systems            http://www.wego.com

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