Re: [Evolution] IMAP

I do this today.  Our Exchange server allows IMAP, and I have to provide
my NT password when I connect to the IMAP server.

In the Mail configuration utility, my mail server is set to IMAP type
My mail account name is set to tom_cooper bigfoot com
My user information is set to Tom Cooper
My E-mail address is set to tom_cooper bigfoot com

On the servers tab, 
hostname=fully qualified domain name of my mail server e.g.

Hope this helps!

Tom Cooper

On 22 Mar 2001 15:56:21 +0000, Alan Patterson wrote:
Hi All, 
        I have read plenty of mails suggesting people are using
to read mail on a MS exchange server using IMAP. 

We have exchange at work and I use Linux on my desktop. My sys admin is 
pretty friendly to opening up the server to IMAP. However, he is not so 
keen to switch off the NT authentication. 

I have tried to read mail using IMAP and Mozilla with no luck. I am 
presuming it is because the authentication is failing. 

Can Evolution authenticate (NT) properly with exchange server and IMAP ?

Is it possible to use samba for the authentication ? 

Alan Patterson 

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