[Evolution] Re: Keyboard focus request.

I wanted to send out some props to Christopher James Lahey
<clahey ximian com> for letting me know about the backspace key for
paging up.  Thanks, Chris.

However, I want to say something about this.  Where are these
keybindings documented?  They sure aren't in the online help, since
that doesn't get installed with the snapshots.

Can someone make bugs.ximian.com (which is out of date) point
to bugzilla.ximian.com?  That might avoid some confusion.

I don't know if it comes through in my messages, but I want Evolution
to succeed with a burning in my heart that I can't find the words to
describe.  Evolution is clearly going to be one of the killer apps
which enables Linux to dominate on the desktop.  It looks fabulous and
it promises some very impressive technology.  Keep up the good work!


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