Re: [Evolution] IMAP filter bug?

On 23 Jul 2001 07:53:31 -0700, Mike Leckey, Jr. wrote:
I am still seeing this problem with Beta1.

I had about 65 messages in my IMAP inbox this morning, and thought I
would try filtering again.

I selected all messages (ctrl-a), then applied filters (ctrl-y).  The
filtering worked, updating new messages in the folders that had new
messages added to them.

Then, I could no longer open/read any more messages.  Restarted evo, and
things got back to normal.

This is probably related to bug number 4422.


Peter Williams     peter newton cx / peterw ximian com

"Why should I have to change my name? He's the one who 
sucks!"                              -- Michael Bolton

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