Re: [Evolution] new user impressions

2.1. How can I get mail into a particular folder?  I have brian
      go to one maildir, brian-voicemail go to another maildir and
      brian-bugtraq go to yet another.  I'd like to define separate
      incoming mail servers for each and have each get incorporated into
      a different folder instead of them all going into Inbox.

This is what filters are for

I was afraid you'd say that.  What about when I have procmail do lots of
clever things to decide if a message is spam and deliver to a different
maildir based on what it decides?  I wouldn't want to have to recode all
those procmail recipies as evo filters.

2.3 I got a wav file attachment (a voicemail) in a message.  I couldn't
      figure out how to play it without saving it.

I don't see why this is bad? I mean, Evo can't do *everything* :-)

In exmh for example I can say go use metamail to decode it, and do some
magic with my .mailcap.  Granted, you need a way to discourage users from
"running" an msword file, but must that effect relatively harmless content
like a wav file?

I know this opens a big can of worms/virii/trojans, but the generalization
is mapping mime types to applications, whether the mailcap way or
via bonobo.

2.9 Is there a way to uniq duplicate messages?  Stupid spammers.

No. There's been a lot of discussion about this but there is no *safe*
way to do this.

Oh well, I'll just content my self with bouncing on the d key.


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