Re: [Evolution] Save hooks again - more details...

Why not just use Evolution's on-demand filtering?


On 11 Jan 2001 09:41:46 -0800, Bodo Bauer wrote:

I got a few replies on my feature request and seems like I need to
explain a little bit more detailed what I mean.  I'm not talking about 
regular filters or vfolders. Those I know (and use), but it's not what 
I mean. Save hooks are like filters, but they are not applied when 
the mail gets received. Imgine this scenario (which is pretty close 
to the truth for me and many others...) 

You email with friends and coworkers a lot, and you like to file 
messages in a folder per person. However you want to read and 
reply to those messages from you inbox, so they need to show 
up there. When done you like to file the message away into 
this persons folder. OK you say why not a filter that copies the
mail into the persons folder and leaves it in the inbox, so you 
can delete it there when done with it? Well, I don't know for whom 
I have a 'copy' rule already and for whom not. I may loose mail
because I imagine a persons folder where ther is none. 

Save hooks like this could be integrated very easy in the existing
evolution scheme. All thet needs to be done is to preselect a folder for
the 'move to folder' function. Combined with a preferenc that toggles 
'move right away / ask before moving' and a shortcut for the move 
function this could save a lot of time. The preselection is rule based
all other filters. If no rule applies the general move dialog comes up.

This mechanism is a mutt feature that I learned to love very quickly...


Bodo Bauer                                      Principal Software Engineer
bb turbolinux com                       
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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