[Evolution] Displaying unread messages in a thread

Hey All

Currently when new threads come in from the mail box, they appear in the
message list, but rather appear under a + sign to indicate a hidden

Wouldn't it be better if messages that are added to threads that are
already open actually appeared in the message list. Messages that are
added to threads that are hidden should of course also be hidden.

This would be more consistent and less frustrating.  For example, I
filter the evolution list to a seperate folder, which is threaded to
make following ongoing comments easier.  But it's frustrating that new
messages to threads that are visible don't also appear.  This means that
I have to manual open each of the tails to these threads to be able to
read them.  If I had the behaviour described above, I could leave
visible threads I was interested in, hide threads I'm not interested in,
and then view all new messages for the threads I'm following without
having to open them first.  (and I could use the 'n' key to do it -yay!)

What do people think?


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