Re: [Evolution] Font problem

On 15 Feb 2001 19:36:53 -0600, Stephen M. Williams wrote:
> > I am using TTF, and In Control_Center->Document_Handlers->HTML-Viewer I
> > had selected Ariel but with an KOI8-Ru (vs ISO8859-1) encoding.
> > Changing the encoding and restarting evo fixed the problem.
> Well, now I am seeing the = at the top of every message. And now it
> appears when I am typing as opposed to when I'm vieweing messages. Too
> weird.

I should have been clearer.  What you are now describing i.e. the = when you type was what I experienced WITH KOI8-Ru (which I have no Idea what it is, but ships with the arial.ttf font). I changed TO ISO8859-1 and my problem went away.  At any rate this is clearly a font problem, so you should pick a font that works.

Good luck.

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