Re: [Evolution] open letter to Ximian Evo team: RH 6.2 blues

On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 10:51:33PM -0500, Michael Leone wrote:

You misunderstand him, I think.

I certainly did!

So there was no recourse for him, but to just sit around and wait for
something (the binary snapshots, the CVS revisions) to become usable.

He did have one bit of recourse: not to bother everyone with that "Open
Letter." I still maintain it was over the top. But that's a matter of taste,

So no, you DIDN'T have that straight.

Yes, yes, yes, dammit, yes! How many times do I have to confess?

Wow, how arrogant.  

Yeah, been there, done that...and I'll probably do it again some day truth
be told.

If anyone should reign in their ego, it sounds like it should be you.

Hey. I have good days and bad days; what can I tell you?

I sure hope you're not an official Ximian representative.

Now c'mon. Do you really think I'd behave like this on this list if I worked
for Ximian? <g>

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA

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