Re: [Evolution] Evolution new install problems

Nevermind...  I rebooted the system and it looks like it is working as I
am sending this mail from evo 1.0.  The only question I have not is
spell checking.  The option is not available to me.  How can I get it to

On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 08:28, Scott Thurmond wrote:
I installed Evo 1.0 on a Mandrake 8.1 system - that is, I downloaded the evo
binaries and installed, I didn't install the Ximian desktop.

When evo starts the summary screen comes up but when I click on the inbox or
any other folder evo highlights the folder I clicked on and then puts me
back at the summary page.  I can't get into the calendar, mail tasks or
anything else.  Can you help?

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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