Re: [Evolution] Evolution Bug Day, Take 2

On Sun, 2001-08-26 at 19:59, Thomas O'Dowd wrote:

Ahhh, it's just dawned on me that you are talking about VTIMEZONE, so 
I guess you are representing when day summer time kicks in? Can you give
me an explicit example of some of the rules? I live in Japan so remembering
when the clock goes back and forward is something I haven't had to do in
a while... Ie, if it is the 1st Sunday in April then the BYDAY=1SU thing
is the simpliest rule. Is there anything more complex?

Asia/Gaza has this:


since daylight savings time starts on the first Friday on or after the
15th April.

Why don't you also try getting Outlook to send you some appointments
and see what RRULES they are using for timezone changes in different

Yeah, I will see what it outputs for some of these timezones now.


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