Re: [Evolution] Evolution Bug Day, Take 2

On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 05:42:51PM -0400, Damon Chaplin wrote:
On Sun, 2001-08-26 at 19:59, Thomas O'Dowd wrote:

Ahhh, it's just dawned on me that you are talking about VTIMEZONE, so 
I guess you are representing when day summer time kicks in? Can you give
me an explicit example of some of the rules? I live in Japan so remembering
when the clock goes back and forward is something I haven't had to do in
a while... Ie, if it is the 1st Sunday in April then the BYDAY=1SU thing
is the simpliest rule. Is there anything more complex?

Asia/Gaza has this:


since daylight savings time starts on the first Friday on or after the
15th April.

Yeah, I only see 3 ways to specify this rule as you said before.
1. like above.
2. 7 different rrules each with one bymonthday entry each
3. explicate rdates.

If LookOut doesn't support 1, then it probably won't support 2 either is
my guess.

Why don't you also try getting Outlook to send you some appointments
and see what RRULES they are using for timezone changes in different

Yeah, I will see what it outputs for some of these timezones now.

I'm pretty interested to know how they are doing this if they refuse
the first format. I don't have a copy of LookOut that I can play with
to find out.

Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping -
tom nooper com - Testing -

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