Re: [Evolution] 0816 build comments

My usual reminder to everyone, not just Eric: comments of this sort that
are not filed in the bugzilla are likely to get ignored. Sorry, but to
make the developer's lives simpler and more efficient they need one
point of contact and a mailing list simply isn't organized enough of a
format for that.

On 16 Aug 2001 15:42:57 -0700, Eric Lambart wrote:
1. OK I've heard about some improvments in drag-n-drop so decided to try
it again.  The obvious problem of not knowing where the message was
going to go is fixed--it highlights what is apparently the target folder
just fine.  But when I "dropped" the message, nothing happened.  In
fact, the folder is still highlighted in that special dnd way, and even
selecting and un-selecting the folder won't un-highlight it.

2. Also, composing new msgs and replies is now taking very long these
days, pretty close to mozilla-style (gasp!).  I know others have
mentioned this... any ideas about what's going on?

3. I also had a serious crash/freeze earlier after selecting about 20-25
messages (via shift & down-arrow) for deletion (but I hadn't yet hit
delete because I was trying to select more messages).  I didn't get a
thread dump... if it happens again I'll have to dig up that super ugly
url and figure out how to do it.  But has anyone else had this problem?


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Luis Villa
Ximian Bugmaster
"Quality is an amazing bridge because it is universal in its language."
Thomas Corcoran

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