Re: [Evolution] wow is this an easter egg or a known feature

Doesn't happen for me!  Hey, I think the focus for this reply just
started in the message body.  That's cool!  So glad they got those RPM
snapshots working again.

On 16 Aug 2001 09:29:41 -0400, jack wallen wrote:
when the pointer is in the 'mail' window (where you read your e-mail) if
you hold down the control key and scroll you mouse wheel it zooms in an
out on the message. is this intentional? 

i was just so excited that i found something cool!

Jack Wallen, Jr.                                L   I   N   U   X
Track Editor - Linux/UNIX and Infrastructure    S   A   V   E   S
TechRepublic        L   I   V   E   S
502-814-7741                                    &   C   A   S   H

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