Re: [Evolution] Outlook calendar interoperability

On 15 Aug 2001 21:19:15 -0400, Damon Chaplin wrote:
hours too early!  I noticed that the Gnome timezone was NYC USA, which
is on EDT, and my windows system is set to EDT also.  

Any ideas as to why this occurred?

What is your timezone set to in Evolution? (See the Tools/Calendar
Settings dialog.)
America/New York

From my experience with .vcf files (a related format, I believe), the

Outlook does send VTIMEZONE data with its meeting requests, so
it does look like it supports timezones.

BTW Feel free to file the interoperability problems in bugzilla.
We do want to get this ironed out before 1.0.
Should I post my experience there, or were you suggesting that the
author of the above content post to bugzilla?

Thanks for the feedback.
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