Re: [Evolution] evolution eats all cpu for several seconds when checking mail

Marius, I think most of us do care about status bar messages... in fact
there should be more, so we always have some idea what's going on when
Evo is busy.

If they can optimize the code, great.  But right now I think Evo is
generally pretty damned fast, and I'd rather they fix the code that
doesn't work, instead of running the risk of breaking something that
does.  I think our friendly programmers have plenty of work on their
hands as it is!

Meanwhile, I hate to sound pedantic,but maybe you'd feel only half as
annoyed if you set Evo to check mail every 20 minutes?  

Or else you could do what I do... I gave up on having Evo check mail
automatically at all (it has no sound feedback!), so I've installed the
little Mailcheck applet on my taskbar.  It checks my mail every 10
minutes and if I hear it play the .wav file I assigned, I instruct Evo
to check my mail (makes me REALLY wish there was a keyboard shortcut,
but hey...)

That way you'd only be bothered by your several-second wait when you
were ready for it.

Trying to be helpful,

On 09 Aug 2001 17:57:48 +0300, Marius Andreiana wrote:
I've set evolution to check mail every 10 min and this becomes
a pain as I can't do anything for several seconds while evo
syncronises vfolders (I have about 20), filling status
bar with lots of little messages Resuming folder 0% complete...

Can the code be optimised there? I don't care about status bar
to show Resuming folder, Syncronising folder and so on.

Marius Andreiana
You don't have to go to jail for helping your neighbour

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