Re: [Evolution] application/pgp support

I haven't used it much but I haven't before had an email client that
integrated it well.  I certainly planned on using GPG when I saw it was
supported by Evolution (I've been using Evo less than a week), and hope
it makes it way back in.

Hmmmm.... after skimming through that bug listing (#6333) it appears the
GPG support is still definitely in the software, just not support for
every non-standard "standard" that's been used?

I have the feeling that if enough people DO care, this is going to start
sounding like the constant argument on Opera newsgroups about HTML
compliance vs. writing hacked code to "successfully" render all the
crappy far-from-standards-compliant web pages out there, like IE and
Mozilla (sometimes) do.

I relate to both sides of that argument, but I do tend towards the
standards-compliance side of things.  Especially with open-source
software, I would think older, non-compliant s/w could be fixed instead
of forcing everyone else to code around obsolete or improper

I'd like to see Evolution become an app that keeps provides all the
features that the vast majority of people want and need, but not if the
programmers spend so much time writing hacks that the more generally
useful features get neglected.

Well, that's my two cents.

On 05 Aug 2001 12:07:07 -0700, Dan Berger wrote:
So, there's been some ongoing discussion around application/pgp
support.  It existed in the product up to last nights snapshot - when
it was removed.  (For more detail, check out bug 6333 at

Thanks to that change, I can no longer (easily) read 10% of my inbox.
So I'm back to using mutt.

Before I make any more noise and try and get that support re-inserted,
I figured I'd see if anyone else out there cares. 

There are two questions:

1. Am I the only one using the PGP support in Evo?  

2. Does anyone else get mail from older mail clients that still use
   application/pgp as their content-type?

If there are enough of "us" - I'll try to convince the folks at Ximian
to put the application/pgp support back in - if there aren't, I'll
just chalk up Evolution as another mailer I can't use.

   Dan Berger [dberger ix netcom com]
   Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

   "We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act, 
    but a habit."
                                  -- Aristotle

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