Re: [Evolution] beta 2 questions before I send a bug report

Okay, thanks...


On 03 Aug 2001 21:51:43 +0200, Bo Rosén wrote:
Den 03 Aug 2001 15:39:55 -0400 skrev Jeffrey Stedfast:

When you say the text for a gpg signed message replaces sweedish chars
with '?'s, is this text that begin with "gpg: " or text that has been
translated? If it's text that has been translated, then a patch just
went into evolution to fix this a few days ago. I'm not sure if it made
it into the packages yet?

All the lines are in Swedish, but only the first one displays correctly.
The gpg ones have the "?"s
If the problems are in the lines that begin with "gpg: ", then I must be
doing something wrong when converting gpg text to UTF-8.

Sorry, ;-)


Bo Rosen (bo rosen home se)
GPG/PGP Public Key at

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