Re: [Evolution] beta 2 questions before I send a bug report

On 03 Aug 2001 20:49:47 +0200, Bo Rosén wrote:
Hi all,
A few things I wanted to check before I head over to bugzilla.

1, I'm using Swedish. The title on the shortcut bar doesn't display
Swedish characters correctly. Is this a known problem or just me?

Similarly, the status of gpg-signed messages (the red text)has the same
problem, and I don't get the icon I suppose should be there.

I think this as just fixed for beta2, but if it's still wrong can you
explain what the problem is? Also, I'll need to know the charset that
gpg spits out.

2, I am unable to import my Gnome Card addressbook. Should I be able to
do that?

Cheers (feeling annoying today),
Bo Rosen (bo rosen home se)
GPG/PGP Public Key at

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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