Re: [Evolution] evolution on RH 7.0?

On 30 Apr 2001 14:21:24 -0400, Tom Cooper wrote:
I've got Ximian Gnome 1.4 and have signed up via red-carpet to get the 
evolution snapshots, but all I see is the gtkhtml package update.

evolution is not installed, because it was removed during the red-carpet 
1.0 install!

Someone advised that I may have been better off to re-install using 
go-gnome, so I did that this morning.

I've been toying around with this and can't figure out how to get 
evolution working.  I tried to poke around on the ximian ftp site, but I 
can't seem to get in there.. Still busy?

Please advise about how to proceed.

Thanks for your help!
All you should have to do is go to the evolution snapshot channel and
click on the Install button then select evolution.  There are only two
packages in the channel now that gnome 1.4 has been released and most of
the other packages have become part of the gnome 1.4 platform.


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