Re: [Evolution] IMAP BROKEN

Since I haven't seen any messages listing this last problem, perhaps there's something wrong on my end. I'll continue to investigate.

Definitely a problem, and not on your end.  What IMAP server do you
have?  I 'm running Cyrus IMAP4 v1.5.19.

I'm using whatever comes stock on RedHat 7.0. It's amazing how hard it is to answer the question "Which IMAP are you using?" A "man imapd" says nothing, for instance. From what I can piece together looking throught the few documents in /usr/share/doc/imap-2000 tells me I'm using, well, IMAP 2000 and that it has something to do with the University of Washington. I guess it's the UW version I've seen mentioned on this list.

The recent change (sorry I don't remember the name of the person working on this particular stuff.... Dan?) enabling me to put in my own name space has allowed me to use more folders than just INBOX, and I remember it being mentioned that this only mattered to UW IMAP users, so I guess that's me. :)

I just tried it with the build I RedCarpeted this morning (2001.04.01..08.06). No go. Again, just to make sure, I deleted /evolution and started from scratch (after killev and oaf-slay as well, just in case). Result: I'm sending this in Mozilla Mail (which is quite nice, actually -- it even applies filters automatically).


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