procmail again, and Re: [Evolution] Filter and marking requests

Misty Linville said:

Attachment filter: Filter mail based on whether it has an attachment
and/or what kind of attachment it is.  Possibly include a "Save
attachment to disk" option

Good idea!  I do this manually now (move mail into an Attach folder) but a
filter would be great.

Mark some as read: I'd love to be able to select a group of messages and
mark them as read.

I've already noted this as a wishlist item BTW, and it makes lots of
sense, so I guess it's on the way.

BTW2: regarding the procmail conversation that was going on a short while

It occurs to me that the things I use .maildelivery (MH equiv of
.procmailrc) for are as follows:

    1. run a command to pass or reject mail based on mail message
        headers and body (for RBL checking, spam filtering etc.)
    2. refile mails to folders based on to/from/subject
    3. redirect mails to other recipients based on to/from/subject
    4. run a command < mail message based on to/from/subject
        (in addition to 1. -- it's used to do SMS notification
        when mail arrives; mail still gets delivered to the mailbox,
        this is an additional action.)

First, would this pretty much sum up what most people do with their
procmailrc's?  (I would guess it would, but it'd be nice to check)

Second, if that is what people use procmailrc's for, then if Evolution can
automatically download mail and run its filters on each message, and if
all the above 4 actions are possible from within Evolution, then my
filtering setup, and by extension most other people's ;), would no longer
be required. ie. bye bye bizarre cf files for maildelivery and procmail.

This IMHO would be a big win (I hate those unintuitive .cf's and the lack
of notification when they suddenly stop working.)

The only downside I could see would be that my mail filing and
notifications would then require that Evo would be running; if Evo or the
X server crashed, none of the scripting actions would take place. Hmm...

Anyway, some thoughts,


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