[Evolution] Filter and marking requests

Hi all!

Here are some things I'd love to see:

Attachment filter: Filter mail based on whether it has an attachment
and/or what kind of attachment it is.  Possibly include a "Save
attachment to disk" option

Faster message marking: I have some folders with over 500 messages, and
one with over 1000 messages.  Suppose I have 10 messages I just got,
that I want to mark as read.  Well, it takes about a minute to do
this!  I realize that it has to re-write the file.  But it really
shouldn't, and here's why.  There should (IMHO) be a folder index which
is arranged into a table, with fixed-width fields such as date received
and status.  Status should be a 1-letter (char) value.  If you always
change only one part of a record, X-bytes into a file, you should be
able to do so without rewriting the file, by replacing bytes.  Not that
I would know how to do this yet, but my C instructor said it. ;)  At any
rate, it is horribly slow right now.

Mark some as read: I'd love to be able to select a group of messages and
mark them as read.


Misty Linville
Implementation Support Engineer
Cybersource - The Power Behind the Buy Button

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