[Evolution] more bugs...

Here is some more bugs I found in 0.5.1

        When doing one of a recursive entry moveable, you get a new independent 
        copy but the recursive entry is still there. You can remove it with 
        delete this occurance, and that way get what you wanted from the begining.

        Crash when I tried to print preview a week.

        I had a entry in the calendar, then I changed the text using the 
        entry in the calendar (not using edit entry). I crashed the calendar when
        I pressed enter!

        Problem with ldap.umu.se with base "dc=umu,dc=se". I only got a few entries.

        Could not import my GnomeCard addressbook, using load-gnomecard-addressbook.
        It doesn't do anyting.

Since I use a modem and work in a offline mode as much as possible I would like
to cache the ldap server entries, and only refresh them on my command.

It would also be nice in the addressbook to have a 'compose mail to' entry in 
the rightclick menu. 

Another thing that would be nice (at least for the preview releases) is a 
way to restart a component that have died. It's not a pleasent job to reproduce
the craches.

over and out for this time...


Mattias Eriksson             E-mail: c96men cs umu se 
Tvistevägen 26                       snaggen acc umu se
907 36  UMEA                 Tel:    090-198800
SWEDEN                               070-5636769
'I don't fight for a cause   Hemsida: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen 
I fight for the fight'       PGP: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen/snaggen.asc

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