Re: [Evolution] Is it just me?

Mr. Bond:
  IMHO, it's just you.  It's easy to ignore improvements, especially
when there's still a ways to go.  But Evolution has become increasingly
more stable with each iteration.  Sure, it still crashes sometimes.  It
crashes more often than it should, perhaps.  But it's getting a lot
better, and it's getting better really fast.
  I remember 0.0 and 0.1; heck, I remember pre-0.0, when compiling it
was a nightmare adventure and it crashed almost instantly. I remember
when it would crash whenever you switched components more than twice. 
We've got a crackerjack team of developers on the project and it's
really improving.  For beta software at version 0.5 I think we're doing
just fine.
 Of course, that is just my opinion, and I can understand your
concerns.  Nobody wants this to turn into another... well, let's not
name names.  But rest assured we're aware of the problems and we're
fixing them as fast as we can.

Aaron Weber
(speaking as myself this morning, although I do work for Helix)

Jeff Bond wrote:
Why is evolution so buggy? I've been following the development with
great interest, and always download the latest release using
helix-update, but it just doesn't seem to improve.

Sure, new features are being added all the time, but the most basic
functions regularly crash or work very badly. I think quality has been
abandoned in favour of rapid progression of features.

If basic bugs are not fixed early in the development, then I fear that
they will be lost under a whole heap of code that has been rapidly
thrown together.

Sorry, maybe I shouldn't complain because I can't spare the time to help


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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