I'm using Red Hat 6.2. My system currently uses either Gnome or IceWM. My current objective is to replace both with Helix GNOME. win95 and Linux coexists within a 6.2GiG hard drive. The distribution of hd space is as follows: windows hda1 2047 MB / hda5 101 MB /usr hda6 2180 MB /home hda7 1458 MB /var hda8 203 MB /tmp hda9 101 MB swap hda10 101 MB The Quick installation instructions provided with the two cd Helix GNOME that I followed are as follows: - su - mkdir /helix-cdrom - mount /dev/cdrom -t iso9660 /helix-cdrom - cd /helix-cdrom - ./go-gnome The process works up to a point. The process attempts to download the installation file into tmp. tmp in my file system has only 101 MB but the installation file is 109 MB. The error message states to use the flag -d to redirect the use of tmp to another. In my setup that would be /usr (2 Gig's). My question is with what do I use the flag -d in order to redirect the process to /usr? Secondly as the process continues until it stops because of the above the message "unable to locate ... in path: libpixmap.so" is displayed many times. Performing a find I locate the file in question at /usr/lib/gth/themes/engines/libpixmap.so What does this mean. Should I change path to reflect this locatio? When I logged out and before the closing process starts displaying its results, the message "Never use GTKTED" was displayed many times. What is this? I believe all these problems will be solved as soon as I redirect the process to /usr. jjc
Description: Card for John J. cruz