[Evolution] composing problems

A couple of issues with composing mail ...

1) Can the spell check be set that it only checks a word after you've
hit the space bar to go to the next word?  Each time I'm typing a word,
it's sort of annoying to watch the red line come up until it finds a
valid word.

2) The spell checker doesn't recognize abbreviations.  So far in this
email, "you've" and "doesn't" have come up as an error.

3) When replying to an email, the line/word wrap function is REALLY
messed up.  It's working fine right now as I type this.  But I think
when someone else sends me a message with long lines, it starts getting
all funny when I reply.  Their lines aren't wrapped anymore, and when I
type, it just goes off to the side.  It tries to wrap, sometimes,
putting the next word on the next line, but then it just bounces back up
to the previous line.  Makes for hard editting.

I don't know if these have already been brought up or not, but I thought
I'd throw them out.

Hopefully I'll get around to playing with the c ode myself this weekend


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