[Evolution] Server based filtering

I don't know if anyone has thouht of this alreadhy but i think it's
important to have server based email filtering.  Simple things like
address based filters are common in groupware solutions, so I expect that
everyone has thought of that already.  The thing I'm not sure about is
content filtering...  The sort of thing I'd like to see are: 

rip out all HTML tags (or a subset of them, like <SCRIPT> or <IMG>)
message size limits both ingoing and outgoing (ie can send 32k messages
out but only receieve 10k messages)
attachement filters (remove certain file types, ie you can't send an EXE
or VBS or JS etc etc)
group and account based message blocking (ie, no outside source can send
to all company com)

Another feature that they would like to see is this:  a flag (either text
in the email or as part of the client) that indicates if a message is
from outside.  That way if an employee sends a mail to you and it is
marked as coming from outside, you know something is afoot.

I'm quite willing to work on this with someone, or alone if no one else
has the time...  I've been more or less sitting back and watching for
awhile lacking any clear direction.

Let me know what you think.

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