[Evolution] Is there a news reader planned?


I've (finally) managed to download and build evolution 0.0. So far it looks great, congratulations on the 
good job.
I'm wondering if there is an news reader component planned for evolution. Is anyone working on such a thing, 
or at least planning to do that. I think that is would be neccesary to have an news component if evolution 
should be able take over all of my (and probably some others too) communication needs. (Yeah, I know. I 
should start working on that myself instead of complaining here, but as of now, I don't know enough C/C++ to 
do that.)
Btw, how about syncing. I think I read somewhere that evolution will be able to sync with palm pilots. I 
guess that that is fine, but how about syncing with Psions (and other EPOC devices), it would be great to be 
able to do that.

Best regards
Nicklas Larsson

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