[Evolution] Extending Evolution

Hi all.

How much work has gone into enabeling Evolution to be used as a part of
another app?  More importantly for me, how easy will it be?

As a new to C programmer, I am about to emabark on a project that has a
lot of overlap with Evolution.  Mostly  every thing Evolution does I
will need in my app (a client/stock management system for my partners
fledgling Naturopathic clinic)

Obviously Things like a TODO list and Calendar will not need much
customizing from my point of view, but I will need to be able to query
the Contacts and Journal type functions of evolution through my app, and
intergrate this with the Postgres database I am planning to use.  

What I would like to do is have my app add a couple of Menu items and
shortcut bar icons to evolution, and have tables in my postgres database
link to Evolutions back end.  All windows of my app would idealy open
inside of Evolution as the inbox and calendar do now.

Is this going to be possible?  If so, how much breakage can I expect
betwen versions of Evolution?  And, as a Newbie what should I be reading
now? are there any hello world type cpmponents for Evolution or bonobo?



  Rob Brown-Bayliss

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