Re: [Evolution] AM_CONFIG_HEADER Error

On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 10:04:41PM +0200, KenSchar hotmail com wrote:
I'm trying to compile evolution of the cvs however, I can't seem to get
past ./configure.

Did you run

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
./configure: ./config.log: Permission denied

Did you configure as the same user that ran Can the user
that ran write to the current directory?

It's a short step from using alt.binaries.warez.protocol-droids.c3p0 to
Palpatine seeing a post along the lines of: "CA|\| NE1 0N Th]5 BB0ARD T3Ll M3
H0w 2 GeT KeWL S]Th P0WeRZ!?!?!?!??!?"  The rest is, well, a couple
more overly-hyped ILM graphics demos.  -- henke kharendaen krall org in ASR

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