Re: [Evolution] "Why I hate Outlook"

      To: John <jsk29 cornell edu>; evolution helixcode com

is garbage -- that doesn't parse, according to RFC 822, because there
Absolutely ... camel will choke on this too, rightly ...

Fejj, please fix spruce ...

was no ":" before the addr-spec.  You wanted a comma there.  The only
legal non-quoted use of ";" is to terminate a "group" of addresses,

      To: some losers: loser one, loser two; someone else

but of course just about no MUA in the world correctly parses that
latter form correctly either, so basically, using a ";" in an address
field is painting a big old kick-me sign on your back.

Mmmm, more RFC822 landmines...
You missed the comma after the ; though ... :)

Camel should parse it, if its to rfc spec anyway.

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