Re: [HC Evolution] Introduction

Ali Abdin wrote:

It would be very hard (impossible) to design a GUI over two functions
(time_t -> native and native->time_t) so you would need some sort of (xml?)
file that defines the months, the number of days in months, the number of
months, etc etc. But Russel Steinthal convinced me this is not really
necessary :)

Perhaps you guys are all over this, but anyone who is thinking about
supporting non-Gregorian calendars should have completely absorbed
everything that Ed Reingold has written on the subject.  A web site
about his book is here:

A predecessor to that book is online, and is incredibly informative:

He wrote the Emacs calendar package, and it supports lots and lots of
different calendars in a sane way.  And -- bonus points -- it's already
GPLed, so you can cut and paste to your heart's content.  (I imagine it
would be trivial to port it to another language; he's done it several
times, including Java, but seems to have licensed these other ports
under a "non-commercial use only" license.)

Jamie Zawinski
jwz jwz org   
jwz dnalounge com

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