Re: [HC Evolution] Introduction

One thing though - I was told to do hacking in gnome-pim. gnome-pim is in 
a feature freeze (for 1.2) - I do not think there will be a 1.4 
(according to the maintainer) because evolution should be replacing it? 
What does one do? (I first plan on making a time_t->Islamic and an 
Islamic->time_t converter - then i need to worry about the GUI aspects 
and gregorian-interaction)

You can start looking at Evolution's calendar support (it is very very
similar to the gnomecal code base, as it is based on it).  

Perhaps what you want to work on is an engine to handle arbitrary
calendar systems.  A few other free software calendars have either a
small-language for defining calendar dates, and others have a
shell-like scripting language for doing this kind of thing.

Might be worth investigating if we can use something like Python
linked into the calendar to support this.

I have not payed a lot of attention to the discussion of calendars in
calendar-list in the past, so I am not quite sure if this is the right
way to do it.


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