[HC Evolution] Introduction

Since everyone is doing this introduction thing I might as well :)

I am Ali Abdin (a.k.a rak (on #gnome) and rakholh (on advogato.org)). I'm 
a Freshman here at American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt that is). I 
think I joined Linux pretty 'recently' (somewhere mid-2.0.x) :)

I'm particularly interested in Lunar Calendar support in evolution. Since 
there are different Lunar calendars, i'm particularly interested in 
Islamic calendar support. I plan on exploring this after 'Eid' (a period 
of 'festivity' that has the possibility of shifting the calendar by one 
day (depending on moon sighting)).

One thing though - I was told to do hacking in gnome-pim. gnome-pim is in 
a feature freeze (for 1.2) - I do not think there will be a 1.4 
(according to the maintainer) because evolution should be replacing it? 
What does one do? (I first plan on making a time_t->Islamic and an 
Islamic->time_t converter - then i need to worry about the GUI aspects 
and gregorian-interaction)

Ali Abdin

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