[Evolution] Thoughts on Preview 0.2


I've been using Evolution Preview 0.2 for the last few days and would
like to offer some feedback mostly on UI issues. I'm sure that a
number of these issues are already planned to be addressed in future
releases, but I thought I'd bring them up before it's too late, so to

  My primary machine is a thinkpad 240 which has a rather tiny screen
  measuring in at 800x600. Evolution uses a lot of extraneous screen
  space which makes reading mail less efficient. These suggestions
  might help tighten up the use of space.

    * The button bar beneath the menu. I hope that it will be possible
      to a) hide the text, b) hide the icons, c) hide the whole
      bar. These button's actions would be soon replaced by
      function-key combinations for many people.

    * The shortcut bar. This uses up an incredible amount of screen
      space for limited functionality. Again, here it'd be nice to be
      able to hide the icons, text or both. A horizontal orientation,
      maybe at the bottom of the window I think would work better. The
      icons could highlight depending on which component you're using
      at the moment. (small icons)

    * It would be nice to be able to change the list and message
      default font sizes.

    * The various druids pop up many many many dialog boxes. I think
      many of these could be better integrated as fields rather than
      independent dialogs. Tabbed dialog boxes would also help reduce

 Other UI ideas:

    * along the grey bar where it says "inbox": What if the "inbox"
      was really a pop-up menu which let you choose between your
      folders? This would save me lots of space.

    * once a search is completed successfully, a
      button/key-combo/menu-item to turn that search into a virtual

    * Can I Vfolders encompass everything. I.E. Everything (contacts,
      emails, chats, appointments) with Big Boss?

    * I'd like to be able to drag and drop emails into folders.

 Minor issues:

    * When I select Tools->Filter Druid... (or VFolder Druid), the
      dialog box which appears has a misleading descriptor. Shouldn't
      it be "Select rule" rather than Select rule type"? Isn't it
      displaying the rules which are already set up for filtering
      rather then categories for rules? or am I missing something.
      Also, in this dialog box, it would default to a quick glance
      what my filter are, so rather than listing them by type, it'd be
      nice to see their descriptions filled in. I.e. If I have a
      filter "Copy incoming messages from a certain address to
      specific folder" can it default to the supplied values: "Copy
      incoming messages from 'Anne Hunter' to 'trash'"

    * When selecting multiple messages, it would be nice if the read
      status would not be changed. When I select a bunch of mails,
      it's usually to refile them, and I don't want their "read"
      status changed.

    * When refiling, only the folders of the correct type should show
      up. If I can't move my email to my contacts, why am I even given
      the choice?

I am terrificly impressed with the work the Evolution team has
done. My commendations on your progress. I hope these suggestions are


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