[Evolution] Can't send mail and buttons disappear.

I have Evolution 0.2 installed fine however when I try to reply or 
compose mail the main window goes blank and all the buttons in the 
button bar disappear.  Anyone have any ideas?  

I also had the old 
problem of looking at something in the address book or calendar 
(can't remember) and then not being able to open the Inbox again 
because "A view already exists".

The only thing I didn't compile was bonobo-0.15 because I already 
had that from the 0.1 try at Evolution.

Very nice work by the way.

George Farris - VE7FRG           E-Mail : george gmsys com
G.M. Systems,                  Web page : http://www.gmsys.com
2570 Seaview Road,            Phone/Fax : (250)743-1500
Mill Bay, B.C., Canada
V0R 2P0                       Linux systems, support and services.

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