Re: [Evolution] Evolution 0.8 swedish char problems.

On 17 Dec 2000 12:42:13 +0100, César Talón wrote:
El 17 Dec 2000 11:28:41 +0100, Erik Bågfors escribió:
Evolution 0.8 has some serious problems with swedish characters.

Each line is cut after the first swedish character.  This makes
evolution 0.8 totaly unusable for me.

Has anyone else seen this??

Evolution is installed via apt-get on a debian woody-box.

The problem is not evolution. Is just a problem with the locales changes
in Debian Woody. You should try to define either LC_ALL, or LANG
somewhere in your global configuration.

Thank you.  This did it.  I really don't think that a locale of "C"
should brake anything.  I set it to en_US and everything worked great (I
hate it when programs talks swedish to me :) )


Erik Bågfors               | Center for Parallel Computers    |
erik bagfors nu            | bagfors pdc kth se  
Supporter of free software | GSM +46 70 398 54 43 
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