Re: [Evolution] evo 0.8 completely missing any working components

You have to kill the things that are currently running:

$ killev
$ killall oafd

Then start it ... everything's there.

- Brad

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <soulreaver extension2 freeserve co uk>
To: <evolution helixcode com>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 6:01 AM
Subject: [Evolution] evo 0.8 completely missing any working components

just upgraded evo from version 0.6 (Using RH 7) and after asking that it
needs to add more stuff to my evolution folder, then it got the splash and
and none of the folders work (click on them and nothing happens) and all
the aoptions from setting and edit have gone, the only thing that seems to
work is the evolution summory button and the search engine in that does
not work.
 If you press on any mail box's nothing happens, will not create new
folders etc...Whats happened???, having to fall back to using pine and
fetchmail.I even created a new user and the same happedned for that.
I have all the latest Helix Code updates and RH 7 updates.This version was
worse than version 0.5.


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evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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