Re: [Evolution] Evolution 0.8 swedish char problems.

El 17 Dec 2000 11:28:41 +0100, Erik Bågfors escribió:
Evolution 0.8 has some serious problems with swedish characters.

Each line is cut after the first swedish character.  This makes
evolution 0.8 totaly unusable for me.

Has anyone else seen this??

Evolution is installed via apt-get on a debian woody-box.

The problem is not evolution. Is just a problem with the locales changes
in Debian Woody. You should try to define either LC_ALL, or LANG
somewhere in your global configuration.

See what a 
$ locale
returns and make sure you are not using a "C" locale.

To fix it, create (or change if you have it already) the file
/etc/environment with contents like this:


This is of course for spanish, but changing it to sv_SE (I don't know if
this is the definition for your language) should also work.

BTW, you should also regenerate the locales, if you don't have the sv_ES
line un comented in /etc/locale.gen, do it, and run
# locale-gen
to regenerate the locales

Another thing, make sure /etc/environment has read priviledges.



P.S.  This is written with evo in debian woody: áíóúàìùøñ.....

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