Re: [Evolution] Re: What I want in a mail client ....

My list.  It can be summed up as "I want it to be able to replace

* Retrieve from multiple POP accounts, inbox files, or mix.

I have the same problems, but more difficult. I get my mail from 4 pop3
accounts in different companies, so I can never reach all of them. For this reason I use fetchmail which is 
much more robust.

What I think would be *really* nice also: I also have for different email
addresses and, depending on the email address a different smtp host. So,
what do you think about linking the mail identities to an individual smtp server?

* Filtering based on header or full-body.

* Filtering to groups based on type of match.  In other words, I want
  to create a single rule that anything matching HDC *\([0-9]+\) gets
  placed in work.calls.\1 (for instance).

* Hierarchical folder viewing.

I would also suggest recursive vfolders. So a vfolder can refer not only to a mail folder, but also to a 

* Fast access to messages in 32MB folders.  Ideally, fast access to
  messages in folders up to 100MB or larger (so I don't have to keep
  archiving folders).  Folders should be able to have at least 10,000
  messages in them without degrading.  (Given the number of people who
  complain about the speed of Gnus with 10,000 message folders, I'm
  sure I'm not the only one who deals with lots of mail.)

* Flexible personalities (signature and header values, at a minimum)
  on a per-folder basis.

* Ability to override various brokenness (Reply-to headers set to
  lists, for example) on a per-folder basis.

* Per-folder information for mailing lists: posting address, admin
  address, etc.

* Ability to set display to new messages only, on a per-folder basis

* Good disconnected use.  The only way I should notice that I'm
  disconnected (if I'm using local message store) is that I'm not
  getting new mail.

* News access, preferably treating newsgroups and mailing list folders
  the same.

* Dynamic signatures 8^)

* gzipped folder/message support

* Scoring

* Per-folder message expiry (so I don't have to specify when to
  hard-delete messages)

It would also be nice if it could search dejanews, read webmail and
webboards as normal groups, etc. but those are a pain to do.  The
above is a list of the features I use on a daily basis.  I haven't yet
tried Evolution (getting at least 500 msg/day makes me wary of 

Alan Shutko <ats acm org> - In a variety of flavors!
Silence is more eloquent at times than words.

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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