[Evolution] Saving window positions and more

Firstly, I must say how impressed I am with how Evolution is progressing - very exciting indeed. Now
for my problems...

I am running Evolution 0.6 on a Redhat 7.0 box (not from nightly CVS builds). My biggest annoyance
is that the size and position of the main window is not remembered when I exit evolution. Every time
I start it up, I get this little window that I want to resize every time. Also, whilst the fields I
choose to display in any mail boxes view are remembered (and in the right order), the width of each
column is not remembered. Are these features not yet implemented, or is something just not working
right on my system?

Finally, when I "Delete" a message using either the Message menu, or the context menu (from
right-clicking the message), a line is drawn through the message, and nothing else happens. If I
"Delete" that message again, the line is removed - I guess that means "Undelete". My problem is that
the message is never removed - it just stays in its folder with a line through it. The routine I'm
used to (from Netscape) is that a Delete moves the message into the Trash folder, where I can later
"Empty Trash folder", move trashed messages back to another folder, or automatically empty the trash
on exit. In Evolution, I can't even open the Trash folder - "Folder '/mbox' does not exist"

Thanks for any help sorting these out.


Craig Holyoak
craigh uq net au

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