[Evolution] feature/preference

One thing that I've noticed most mailers don't handle well, and I at
least would find useful, is the ability to define alternate e-mail
addresses so the MUA can determine what e-mails were sent directly to
you. (Pine 4.x has this feature) 

One of the nice applications of this feature is that once you've defined
those alternate e-mail addresses, when you do a "reply-all" those e-mail
addresses that match are excluded from being included in the reply.


Joseph F. Dries III
President, DCsquared Inc. 
Security and Network Architect

 6th century scholar Dionysius Exiguus designated the initial epoch
 Anni Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. Gregorian calendar years are counted 
 from AD 1 despite the belief that Christ was born a few years before 
 AD 1. By extrapolation we find that the 20th century comprises the 
 years AD 1901-2000. Therefore, the 21st century will begin with 
 1 January 2001 and continue through 31 December 2100.
   -- http://aa.usno.navy.mil/AA/faq/docs/millennium.html

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