[Evolution] Revised list of features

Below, is the revised list of features.  Attached, are all of the features that have been removed.

The features that were removed had one of the following properties -

1) They were a bug

2) They are a behavior that is common/default to the majority of email clients, and thus should be a configuration option as such (i.e. deleted messages are no longer seen in the folder they were deleted from vs.. strikethrough, or dragging messages to a folder adds that message to the folder)

3) Multiple items were merged into a singular item

4) I screwed up while copying and pasting, and thus the request has gone into a black hole.

If you feel that a feature request was removed by mistake/inappropriately removed, please email me, and I'll re-add it.

I should note that this feature request survey is being prepared for both those on the list, as well as for the public (i.e. Sourceforge), and thus some of the features listed below are already planned/partially implemented.


The feedback I need, is the following...

1) is the single sentence an adequate description to convey the idea of the feature?  If not, could you please suggest a better sentence?

2) is the feature located under the appropriate heading and subheading - if not where should it go?

3) what additional headings or subheadings should there be, if any?

I'd like to add a Project heading, as that is a major feature heading- so if you think of features that would be appropriate for 'project' please send those in as well. ( I have quite a few.. but haven't had time yet to put them to paper...)


Filters and Searching

filters to have  available

Feature: Duplicate message filter
Feature: 'Common properties' filter construction
Feature: Time based email filter/vFolder
Feature: hide message based on an attribute
Feature: Auto-generate vFolders based on frequent words/topics
Feature: Auto-creation of a folder for each new contact/Auto-association of messages with a contact


Feature: abbreviation symbol search recognition
Feature: Fuzzy searching/allow misspellings on searches
Feature: Synonym searching
Feature: Clustering analysis   
Feature: Outlier analysis


Feature: 'Cleanup' command
Feature: Relevancy/Importance Scoring



Feature: Mail merge
Feature: Bounce/Email redirection
Feature: Spell checking of email addresses
Feature: Send immediately button


Feature: addition of a 'dealt with' mail state


Feature: Summary display of 'new text only'
Feature: plain-text headers
Feature: Display html as plain text
Feature: Full-justified email
Feature: Allow display of message body in proportional font
Feature: allow custom colorization of messages for categorization and prioritization of mails


Feature: Intelligent reply for mailing lists   
Feature: HTML Stationary
Feature: html or image signature file
Feature: User based signature file
Feature: Rotating signature file
Feature: Macro/Graphical reply builder from user defined generic paragraphs
Feature: Smart email recognition
Feature: Outgoing mail prioritizer
Feature: 'Smart' auto-completion of email addresses
Feature: Default domain for unqualified addresses.


Feature: Automatic opening of 'bounced' messages to be resent
Feature: Don't create duplicate messages in a folder



Feature: Customization of alarm type, frequency and duration
Feature: Alarms can trigger shell commands
Feature: Alarm daemon
Feature: Ability to define a standard set of alarms


Feature: Follow-up/Reply reminder
Feature:  Associate/attach mail message or thread to a to-do or calendar item
Feature: Follow-up
Feature: Partial completion of to-dos
Feature: To-do sub-tasking      
Feature:  Task Delegation


Feature: Scheduling conflict notification
Feature: Group scheduling and scheduling conflict detection
Feature: Task Prioritizer and Scheduler
Feature: Day planner printing


contact addition

Feature: Add contact category to master list
Feature: Frequent contact list
Feature: Recent contact list
Feature: Duplicate/Smart contact recognition
Feature: Automatic addition of new contacts to address book


Feature: Geographic/Time zone mapping
Feature: Mapquest.com/Mapblast.com/etc query
Feature: Caller ID launches associated contact
Feature: Contact/Employee skill and attributes
Feature: User defined pull down lists (and list elements)
Feature: User defined free text fields


Feature: Interoperation with proprietary groupware servers (MS Exchange, Lotus Exchange, etc.)
Feature: Palm Pilot synchronization (and other Personal organizers)
Feature: Export filters
Feature: Import filters 
Feature: Fax support
Feature: Remote/local Synchronization
Feature: Access web based mail boxes via Evolution


Feature: Automatic remote backup of mail
Feature: Seamless GnuPG, PGP and other encryption support
Feature: Trusted/Routing Flag
Feature: email tracking
Feature: Get public keys from a key-server

Help, training, user education


Feature: Help linked to IRC
Feature: visually directed help
Feature: spoken help


Feature: Command summary card
Feature: User level settings
Feature: Interviewer

Advanced/Not Yet Classified Features

Feature: Command Line widget
Feature: Multicopy/paste
Feature: Voice integration/dictation support
Feature: Key bindings
Feature: User configurable display attributes for mail states
Feature: One to many relationships for todos, contacts, projects, emails, etc.
Feature: Day planner viewing
Feature: Interface clones
Feature: Action/Time log
Feature: Report Generator
Feature: Time log
Feature: Document management and tracking
Feature: Mailing address and label printing
Feature: Smart message retrieval
Feature: Resume message downloading
Feature: Voice commands
Feature: Autoupdate
Feature: See contents of multiple folders at the same time

Attachment: Eliminated Feature requests.txt
Description: Text document

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