Re: [Evolution] A Feature request survey/questionnaire?

Aaron Weber wrote:

We've actually discussed this one, although some months ago.  There are
a number of reasons pro and con, but basically we decided that
redirect/bounce/etc. was so close to Forward that it just didn't make
any sense to have both.


Aaron Weber
Helix Code, Inc.

David Kennelly wrote:

Feature Name: Email redirection
Feature Description: Haven't seen this on PC Outlook but it is a feature of
Mac Outlook, click and hold  (right click) on any mail in any mail box and
on the resulting drop down contextual menu there is a 'redirect mail'
option. This allows the user to forward an email to another recipient with
the from and reply to addresses from the original email remaining intact! -
more handy than you think, wait 'till you get used to it..

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

The benefit of redirect/bounce is that it allows the new recipient to
deal with the email as if it was originally destined for them.  I'd
rather have the option of being the intelligent one then assuming/hoping
the user on the other end will properly deal with a forwarded email. 
I'm sure everyone has accidentally replied to a forwarded email rather
then the proper destination.

Not a critical feature for my role (I'm usually the end point of such
chains) but I could see it as a feature that would be a requirement for
some.  I suppose that if Evolution had some more intelligent features
when replying to a message (reply to attached message perhaps) it might
eliminate the need for any bounce/redirect features.

I don't mean to rehash something that was discussed already.  I know
that the way our office deals with certain emails that this does become
an issue.

The Wright Brothers weren't the first to fly. They were just the first
not to crash.
                                                -- Unknown

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