Re: FW: [Evolution] vfolders vs filters

Well, i guess i'll weigh in on this thread too--

I would like to see "real folders" stay there because they're really
simple and make sense to Average Joe User (me).

Now, the way I've been explaining vFolders, I do it after all the other
tools (folders, searches, and filters).  I say "a vFolder is a hybrid of
search, folder, and filter, because it looks like a folder, acts like a
search, and you set it up like a filter."

As to making vFolder and filter creation easier...
  First off, we should have the dialogs be labelled differently-- it
shouldn't say "filter rule" for the vFolder creation, etc.

The first window they see isn't really clear enough-- it's kind of vague
and weird.  I think labelling the buttons more clearly would go a long
way towards helping clarify that.  Also, if there are no vFolders
(filters) created yet, the little window should say "you have not yet
created any vFolders" (or something to that effect).

The other thing is where it currently offers a series of rules (and this
should be in the filter dialog too), we want one that says 
"create one from scratch" and three that are 'quickies'-- the "from a
person," and so forth, that are mostly customized.  We should make the
druid/assistant be *really* easy.   (also, can we decide what to call
them? is it Assistant or Druid? I prefer assistant, but I don't really
care, so long as we're consistent about it.)

I'm going to make some feature requests to Fitzroy in the next day or so
as I go back over the manuscript (today i'm doing intro-to-helix-gnome
stuff...) and make my markup changes; most of them are of the
labels-are-funny/6th Priority type of stuff, but the filter and vFolder
druid is definitely in there)

Does that help at all?


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